All Catholic women 18 years or older are invited to join! Please see the contact page to sign up or receive more information.
Your presence and dedicated time is needed and valued. As a CDA member, you can serve accordingly to how you filled called in the many ways this court serves the community. See below some of the on-going projects, as well as our spirituality enhancement page, for information on the woman's bible study. Through these different avenues you are able to engage your personal faith life with other members, to find where you would like to serve.
“The smallest thing when done for the love of God is priceless.”
- St. Theresa of Avila
Sermon in a Sentence, Volume 4
Question & Answer!
Meetings - What if I can't make every one? What if the time is inconvenient for me?
Good news! Meetings are not mandatory; they are highly encouraged. Women can still be active without attending every meeting. There are multiple projects and a lot of "behind the scenes work" ongoing throughout the year where your help is needed. There also is a monthly newsletter that tells upcoming and past events.
Dues - What are they used for? How do you pay?
The dues are the backbone to our court. It is $25 collected annually in January. The majority of the dues are paid to National and State.
Conventions - Yes! A State & National Convention.
State and National convention alternate each year. There are a certain number of delegate calculated by the membership total who are eligible to attend (and partcipate in voting) at the convention. Other members may attend as guest. When funds are available, the court pays the registration fee for each member. The remaining cost are at the expense of each member.
A Preview of the On-Going Projects!
Simple Acts of Kindness
Annual Woman’s Recharge Retreat
Cancelled Stamps
Cemetery Project
Coffee / Box Top Labels
Make a Difference Day
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
Missionaries of Charity
Masses and Cards
National Projects
Pennies from Heaven
Priest Appreciation
Respect for Life Month
St. Jude
Soldier Care Packages
Friends f Francois Bend
St. Theresa Food Pantry
Visiting Elderly & Homebound